"As things stand today capitalist civilization cannot continue; we must
either move forward into socialism or fall back into barbarism."[1] Wrote Karl Kautsky in 1892, at the end of a century filled with revolutions, counter-revolutions and wars.
The Aristocratic ‘Ancient Regime’, still held sway over much of Europe, however in the Old World as the New, the bondsmen of the Feudal Age were
beginning to outgrow the traditional constraints of their former masters. Men
of merit & independent means were beginning to flourish in fields that were
formerly the reserve of those who’s privilege and entitlement outweighed both their intelligence and capability. Remarking around the turn of the century upon the rise of the middle classes in Europe, King
Leopold II of Belgium said: “there is really nothing left for us kings
except money”, but the wealth & influence of the Aristocracy was
beginning to be rivaled by many of the military men, industrialists
& investors, capitalizing where Feudal chains had been
loosened & replaced with rationalized systems of financial
The liberation of productive power from it's Monarchical constraints, did not include the
liberation of the productive forces themselves, the middle-class revolution merely
taking the form of an exchange of the old agricultural boss for a new, industrial one, and a more
thoroughgoing reduction in the quality of everyday life.
What had been domination of the weak, by those who derived
their strength from God, was gradually becoming management of the dissolute,
by those who’s strength derived from balance sheets, and immense holdings of
land & capital. The Rule of Kings and Queens had become, "equality, liberty and fraternity" under the reign of Numbers.
Writing in 1855
of events in France, Russian émigré Alexander Herzen noticed the apparent proclivity to
play the tyrant among the ascendant Middle Class:
“Immediately following the French revolution,
the political Liberals who had played happily with the idea of revolution for a
long time prior, began to see that what was crumbling was not only what they
had considered prejudice, but also everything else -- what they had considered
true and eternal. They were so terrified that some clutched at the falling
walls, while others stopped half way, repentant, and began to swear that this
was not at all what they wanted. This is why the men who proclaimed the
Republic became the assassins of freedom; this is why the liberal names that
had resounded in our ears for a score of years or so, are those of reactionary
deputies, traitors, inquisitors. They want freedom and even a republic provided
that it is confined to their own cultivated circle. Beyond the limits of their
moderate circle they become conservatives....
Since the restoration liberals in all
countries have called the people to the destruction of the monarchic and feudal
order, in the name of equality, of the tears of the unfortunate, of the
suffering of the oppressed, of the hunger of the poor....They came to their senses
when, from behind the half-demolished walls, there emerged the proletarian, the
worker with his axe and his blackened hands, hungry and half naked in rags --
not as he appears in books or in parliamentary chatter or in philanthropic
verbiage, but in reality. This 'unfortunate brother' about whom so much has
been said, on whom so much pity has been lavished, finally asked what was to be
his share in all these blessings, where were his freedom, his equality, his
The liberals were aghast at the impudence and
ingratitude of the worker. They took the streets of Paris by assault, they
littered them with corpses, and then they hid from their brother behind the
bayonets of martial law in their effort to save 'civilisation and order'!"[2]
The tendency Mr Herzen describes, of power to be anathema to a person or group,
imbued with an obscene, irrational character of excessive, sadistic enjoyment,
until it rests firmly in their own hands, is by no means an isolated case in
the annals of history.
We find direct
correlation in the destruction of the Kronstadt rebellion circa 1925, the
demands of which included freedom of speech, the end of deportation to work
camps, liberation of the soviets (workers' councils) from "party
control", among others not in anyway dissimilar to the demands of the
Party which overthrew Tsarism.[3] The
betrayal by Oliver Cromwell of the libertarian and communistic Diggers and True
Levellers, when they became too radical in their demands, threatening the
privilege of various anti-Papist nobles & Earls to whom Cromwell owed much of his own
success & power.
In the failure of the American revolutionaries and Founding Fathers to extend
the right to property or those of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness", to the
African slaves and indigenous American's they themselves treated like feudal
serfs; and of-course in the betrayal of the German working classes and murder
of our heroine Rosa Luxembourg, by the German Socialist government during the Spartacist uprising in Germany 1919.
It should be
noted that in each of these examples, after power had been challenged, and usurped by a political faction enacting liberal reforms, before long there emerged forms of government whose brutality
& ‘purifying’ violence, who’s abuses of state power, were often far greater than
those immediately preceding them. In France, the Jacobin "terror", succeeded very quickly by the military, Imperialist
dictatorship of Napoleon; in England Cromwell’s brutal religious purges and
campaigns in Ireland, the aftershocks of which are still felt today; In America
the division of North & South, continuation of brutal slavery and bloody
Civil War; in the USSR, the secret police's rationalized paranoia under Joseph
Stalin; in Germany, the psychotic madness of organized genocide under Hitler.
these various new regimes, new Wars were launched and new territories
conquered, all over the world. Old conflicts and antagonisms were rekindled
& stoked at home. Those who perhaps less than a generation previously, were
uniting to affirm their political liberty & a sense of self-ownership, found themselves dying and being subjected to the most unbelievable horrors, at home & on far away battlefields.
In hindsight this
process takes the appearance of a punishment as described by Victorian author
George Trevelyan, who noted how determined King George III was,"never to acknowledge the independence of the
Americans, and to punish their contumacy by the indefinite prolongation of a
war which promised to be eternal."
The King, by nature and profession a tyrant,
wanted, in true sadistic fashion, to "keep
the rebels harassed, anxious, and poor, until the day when, by a natural and
inevitable process, discontent and disappointment were converted into penitence
and remorse". [4]
For some of those involved in various republican struggles and revolutions, it must have appeared as though the wrath of God himself, was being poured out on all who dared challenge His divinely appointed rulers on
Earth. Who can deny that
various institutions of power such as the Catholic Church or European Monarch's,
which came under threat from revolutionaries, intellectuals, and historically
displayed a propensity for such punitive deeds, tended to emerge from the
shadows sooner or later, to exist in our present age with less to worry about
& fewer challenges to their authority?
2nd republic came to ruin through internal divisions between
Conservatives and Radicals, leading to thousands of citizens being exiled to
the colonies, & the founding of the 2nd Empire which itself soon
fell under the sustained attack of Prussian Junkers, giving us the 3rd
Republic, under who’s ‘Moral Order’ the radical workers of Paris were murdered
in the tens of thousands.
USSR now consigned to the dustbin of history, was a mere flash in the pan
compared to the Russian Orthodox Church, which has perhaps never been as strong
in its entire thousand year history; Catholicism rebounded in Spain under
Franco, who had himself come to power in the overthrow of a newly founded
Republic; Fascism in Germany destroyed the Wiemar Republic, Poland and the
majority of European Jewry; World War 1 & 2 decimated the European working
classes, and the Cold War, their radical political traditions more specifically
and completely.
The tyrants died
smiling; for they knew that after their death tyranny would merely change hands,
and slavery would never really end. Although in order to flourish, it would
have to change form...
[1] Karl Kautsky, Erfurt Program, Ch4.1 (1892)
[2] Alexander
Herzen, From the Other Shore (1855)
[3] Demands of
the Kronstadt Insurgents: Expressed in the Resolution of the General Meeting of
the Crews of the Ships of the Line Kronstadt, 28 February 1921
heard the report of the representatives of the crews despatched by the General
Meeting of the crews from the ships to Petrograd in order to learn the state of
affairs in Petrograd, we decided:
In view of the fact that the present
soviets do not represent the will of the workers and peasants, to re-elect the
soviets immediately by secret voting, with free canvassing among all workers
and peasants before the elections.
Freedom of speech and press for workers,
peasants, Anarchists and Left Socialist Parties.
Freedom of meetings, trade unions and
peasant associations.
To convene, not later than 1 March I92I, a
non-party conference of workers, soldiers and sailors of Petrograd City,
Kronstadt and Petrograd Province.
To liberate all political prisoners of
Socialist Parties, and also all workers, peasants, soldiers and sailors who
have been imprisoned in connection with working-class and peasant movements.
To elect a commission to review the cases
of those who are imprisoned in jails and concentration camps.
To abolish all Political Departments,
because no single party may enjoy privileges in the propagation of its ideas
and receive funds from the state for this purpose. Instead of these
Departments, locally elected cultural-educational commissions must be
established and supported by the state.
To abolish all Communist fighting
detachments in all military units, and also the various Communist guards at
factories. If such detachments and guards are needed they may be chosen from
the companies in military units and in the factories according to the judgment
of the workers.
To grant the peasant full right to do what
he sees fit with his land and also to possess cattle, which he must maintain
and manage with his own strength, but without employing hired labour.
ask all military units and also our comrades, the military cadets, to associate
themselves with our resolutions.
We demand that all resolutions be widely
published in the press.
To permit free artisan production with
individual labour.
The resolutions
were adopted by the meeting unanimously, with two abstentions.
President of the Meeting, PETRICHENKO.
Secretary, PEREPELKIN."
Ref. W. H. Chamberlin, The Russian
Revolution (New York, 1965), VOL. II, p. 495.
[4] Trevelyan,
vol. 1 p. 4&5