Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Then one day a Clinton was honest...

In an excerpt from her new book, run by most news outlets on August 23rd 2017, Hillary Clinton revealed what she was thinking during the second presidential debate against Donald Trump. In many ways she also revealed much more than this, why liberalism is doomed; why suicide rates are always climbing; why modern 'leftists' are utterly ineffectual; the attraction of demagogues who 'say what everyone else is only thinking'.

"It was one of those moments when you wished you could hit pause & ask everyone watching, well, what would you do?
A. Do you stay calm, keep smiling, and carry on as if he weren't repeatedly invading your space?
B. Or do you turn, look him in the eye, and say loudly and clearly back up you creep, get away from me. I know you love to intimidate women, but you can't intimidate me, so back up.
I chose option A. I kept my cool aided by a lifetime of dealing with difficult men trying to throw me off. I did however grip the microphone extra hard. I wonder though, whether I should have chosen option B. It certainly would have been better TV. Maybe I have overlearned the lesson of staying calm, biting my tongue, digging my fingernails into a clenched fist, smiling all the while, determined to present a composed face to the world."

The first thing that struck me was her use of the term chose.
Saying she "chose option A." seems to underplay the almost programmatic way in which even everyday people, those who haven't undergone PR training and public image consultations, act as though they are "determined to present a composed face to the world", and actually do seem to succeed a large part of the time. Furthermore, is this not an almost exact parallel of the distinction between small talk & authentic communication in everyday life? When asked how we are today by a smiling shop assistant don't we all tend to choose an equivalent to Mrs Clinton's A. regardless of how we may actually feel?

Herein lie some of the unwritten rules of communication in our society. Although the question "how are you?" implies a personability & conveys a sense of friendly interest, it is frequently deployed by absolute strangers, often in situations precluding a thorough or honest answer. Even among closest siblings this question how are you, has become a phrase of greeting, perhaps through habit more than choice, the depth of the question, (implying the respondent actually has a clue how they are, or spends any time thinking about that) lends itself to being flippantly dispatched. There's kind of an unspoken agreement that our emotional state can stay locked up, at least perhaps until the weekend, when we are both sufficiently inebriated to be unable to recall, any of what may escape our mouths while drinking.

Mrs Clinton describes this aversion to open & honest expression literally as a rule or "lesson", usually learnt in childhood, the repression of our impulsivity, creativity, curiosity etc,. She resorts to an almost Catholic self mortification, "digging her nails into a clenched fist", enacting the violence of her impulse upon herself, when in reality she would wish to project it upon Trump. To me it's striking how far she doesn't go in her description of B. Politically she seems like a realist, I expect she has authorized, cheered, and helped to achieve various executions of people considered enemies of America, I imagine she understands the reality of warfare & that we must fight for all that is good in the world.

If we take her at her word, that she did consciously make the choice of A. over B. the only explanation for this would be the influence of a consciousness that seeks to give what it thinks, or has through opinion polling, focus groups, consumer surveys, etc,. determined, the other person wants to hear.
So when describing B. later, her apparent methodology would suggest she is bound not to say what she thinks, but rather to reinforce an image of responsible, assertive, strong leadership, something favourable in her quest for political popularity.
Perhaps she didn't say in private to Bill: "I wanted to leap at him and start liberating his brains from his head with the microphone" at all, perhaps she never once even thought of subjecting her opponent to this level of violence, or of declaring him an enemy of the state, a curr & an abomination, of his colleagues as being a den of vipers, a virus that has plagued humanity for too long that she will stamp out for the good of Humanity if given the chance, but to me that merely suggests that this tendency towards "presenting a composed face to the world", but also a polite, well behaved, refined, virtuous persona, is a lot more deeply ingrained.

From the super-Ego of Hillary Clinton we proceed to the social antagonism that was her undoing, and will be the undoing of Liberal forms of Capitalism, if centrist candidates continue to appear less relatable, than a coalition of Religious fundamentalists & free market millionaires. The prevalence of advertising & susceptibility of people to it's numerous techniques is a worrying development in the societies governed by 'Centrists' for decades, which keep failing to raise the consciousness of large numbers of their population, enabling religious/free schools; 'freedom (to lie) of the press'; cult literature; unchecked proselytizing of religion etc,. through their esteem of compromise, tolerance & their hollow, egoistic concept of 'freedom'.

Trump in his ways and mannerisms, as well as his words did actually demonstrate a knowledge of the rules & customs of social etiquette surrounding public discourse, but only it seems in order to flagrantly flaunt them, & the media (representing the same social class as Hillary) in their outrage flocked to oppose him, publicizing & in effect popularizing his divisive message, to an audience already suspicious of the media, which was now in effect openly 'supporting' thus defining Hillary, as the establishment candidate.
He really channeled a degree of Id energy which set him apart from his opponents in the Republican primaries & eventually Hillary. By his frequent acts of transgression, of skirting around, touching upon, indulging that which should not be indulged, by being un-PC, or at least hinting towards harbouring politically incorrect views, Trump came to embody a spirit of rebellion that has been stoked for decades by one of his loudest supporters, Alex Jones & has existed for generations among descendants of Confederate soldiers, White Supremacists, & Cold Warriors.

Everything about his term in office so far, suggests he will continue to exploit the Id energies. His enemies are still struggling in a world based on neatly ordered definitions & classifications, to adequately deal with him; by the time the media makes a case against one of his many faux-pas', he just creates another, even worse one via Twitter, serving to distract from the media's narrative, to render inconsequential their concerns, & to divert the focus of their coverage away from his policies. The media's relation to Trump is akin to man's relation to Women described by Nietzsche in Twighlight of the Idols...
"Women are considered profound. Why?
Because we never fathom their depths. 
But women aren't even shallow." 
The association of the Id in Liberal capitalist societies with humour & the ridiculous, confines his most vocal critics to the role of public entertainers, while powerful opponents are constrained in dealing with him by the very rules & customs they are bound to uphold, though these in no way impede Trump. The implications of guilt in firing FBI staff investigating him, were less of a concern than the sheer egoic gratification of exercising power in that totally self absorbed way, the pleasure he derived in mocking a disabled reporter to obtain laughs from his audience, was more of a motivating factor than any hurt he may have caused, the latter likely not figuring too often in the psychic world of a powerful sociopath. Many of his behaviours, & particularly his statements come across as pre-rational, counter-intuitive, impulsive, chaotic, confusing, in the mold of all 'anti-establishment' Truth Fetishists. He says what everyone is thinking, or more accurately reflects some of the impulses that exist in everyone at a pre-cognitive level, abstract fears, instincts, insecurities etc,.

"Their origin in unconscious id processes is what gives Trump's remarks their undeniable sense of authenticity-- their truth-effect. It also explains their unpredictability, their forcefulness, and the way they disrupt and outrage common sense and decency. Trump's critics argue that he seems thoughtless and unreflective but that is precisely the source of his power."

notes on the Alt-Right (incomplete)...


The first thing that might have struck anyone acquainted with the alt-Right & their arguments, is that it's pretty futile trying to dispute the accuracy of their claims. Even those propagating many of the alt-Right's 'deplorable' racial & conspiracy theories, seem pretty unconcerned about their factual accuracy. In a long tradition of radical right wing propaganda, the emotional impact of sensationalist accusations emerging from a constant hum of self-reproducing 'anti-establishment' white-noise, seems to be what is important.

Jean-Paul Sartre had already written about the tendency to flaunt accepted standards of social discourse, prevalent among anti-Semites just after the liberation of Paris from Nazi forces around 1944.
"Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. "[1]

Like the Radical Right of the past, not all alt-Right adherents are anti-Semitic, which is a major cause of disagreement between them, but the conceptual framework underpinning anti-Semitism, & tendency towards hysteric exaggeration is universal to them all. Sartre could have easily been describing any number of widely read, if not obscure online conspiracy forums, vlogs, blogs & news outlets, churning out sensationalist garbage every day, inculcating blame for predictable market failures & inadequacies, not to mention personal ones, to some nefarious conceptual figure.
From some alt-Right blog. On the left you can see the Ultra-Conservative, White Nationalist, contingent, pitted against the more ambiguous, more libertarian, apparently 'Jew controlled' arm of the alt-Right..
The obvious thing to say is that although they are all deeply conservative in one way or another, they differ on some fundamental issues, in much the same way as different elements within the Nazi party, the UK Conservative Party & the Radical Right of the 80's & 90's.

On one hand are those generally inhabiting a higher socio-economic sphere, who seek to conserve the power of the individual & private corporations which they see as being eroded by the State, who's various regulations, the result of the conflicts ongoing between various competing forms of power & influence: organized labour; scientific, ecological, international institutions; the institution of government itself, particularly in it's supra national emanations, etc,. threaten long established interests. Their ideological values are pretty irrelevant, besides signifying some brand of modern Capitalist objectivism derived from Randian 'principles'[2]. They largely identify as libertarian, against strong government, until in the case of Alex Jones their boyhood crush Donald Trump becomes commander in chief, then they excessively fawn over & align themselves to power wielded by the unholy alliance of Capital & Religion. They view the current wave of refugees, or potential influence of other cultures, & other ways of life with deep suspicion and animosity, they favor political isolationism, defense spending, home schooling & the zero to little state 'interference' in their liberty. They are fundamentally interested in businesses, conducting business and making money. In pre-Nazi Germany these were the likes of Fritz Thyssen, Hjalmar Schacht, Albert Voegler, Gustav & Alfried Krupp, industrial tycoons of huge wealth and influence who funded Hitler's Nationalist party, lobbied him to clamp down on Socialist groups & Trade Unions, and even eventually to purge the radical Strasserites within the Nazi party, during the infamous "Night of the Long Knives". The point here is not their ideological 'purity' or their Germanic values, but purely their wealth & financial interests, in that sense they are fundamentally conservative, & perfectly represented by the alignment of interests based around Donald Trump.

On the other hand, are the element from what Hegel had referred to previously as, the rabble[3]. Those who seek to halt what they define as, 'the negative effects of the decadent liberal Jewish conspiracy to undermine aryan nations', through greater state control and influence over the individual, meaning social imperialism, forging the race, ridding it's weak elements etc,. They are more often found online where they have exploited access to centuries of historical conspiracy literature, declassified CIA mind control literature & research to develop propaganda campaigns, & use some of the most advanced technological means of communication to resurrect some of the most regressive ideas in human history. These are people who have left the world to seek the answers as to why they failed or continue to fail in that world, they constitute not only the majority of infantry personnel, but the majority of members of extremist groups of all varieties. They are the victims of our inherently & increasingly alienated, technological societies, reaching for any means of escape, obtaining security or assuming an identity. They react to the vague awareness of social control of one group of people by another, more powerful group, & find demagogues ready to exploit this loss of personal control and responsibility, and their need to place blame for misfortune elsewhere.
In this particular social dynamic they represent the bondsmen to an ersatz Master, variously misrepresented by the upper echelons of the Capitalist class, as "Liberal Commies like Obama", "big Gubmint", "The Globalist conspiracy" etc,. through their huge multimedia networks, printing presses and propaganda campaigns.

Hitler was rabble, a failed painter & serviceman in WWI often living among the disenfranchised, criminals & betrayed veterans of his era. He was influenced by mystics, demagogues & the grand mythic narratives of upheaval & radical transformation prevalent in Germany at that time. The band of thugs he accumulated in the years prior to establishing dominion, emanated the raw assertive power being fetishized in Italy by Benito Mussolini, & with the support of influential interests they fast became became the fascist shock troops of a state run expansionist machine. Hitler was the talisman which bridged the two worlds of exploited German citizen & exploiting capitalist class. His religious cult besides being a tool of great use for the masters above him, and a deeply motivating ideology for the bondsmen beneath his command, was the matrix unifying 'Germany' in a false totality, giving a more global and historical sense to the events they lived directly, and learned to disavow with the disappearance of their neighbours, friends & relatives.

As of yet the alt-Right lack this kind of talismanic figure, two of the forerunner's are pictured on the far left of the above picture, however Andre Anglin and Richard Spencer are particularly ridiculous, and not taken anywhere near as seriously as Milo or Alex Jones in the establishment discourse, the latter appearing, often favorably, among the likes of Piers Morgan & Bill Maher. The investigation of talismanic mass effect, such as that of Hitler, should proceed from the presupposition that a Fuhrer, or the champion of an idea, can be successful, only if their personal point of view, ideology or program, bears a resemblance to the average structure of a broad section of individuals in society.
What particular historical, economic, material situations contribute towards the development & determine the shape of these structures?

~What do you think will be the effect of them making reality even less comprehensible to themselves?
Will inserting these fraudulent, frequently paranoid narratives & ideas between themselves and reality, eventually sever what is apparently already a very tenuous link?~


[1] Anti-Semite & Jew, J.P Sartre, 1944 

[2] "My philosophy, in essence, is the concept of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only absolute." — Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged, appendix 

 [3]"When the standard of living of a large mass of people falls below a certain subsistence level – a level regulated automatically as the one necessary for a member of the society – and when there is a consequent loss of the sense of right and wrong, of honesty and the self-respect which makes a man insist on maintaining himself by his own work and effort, the result is the creation of a rabble of paupers. At the same time this brings with it, at the other end of the social scale, conditions which greatly facilitate the concentration of disproportionate wealth in a few hands." GWF Hegel, Philosophy of Right, § 244 Reading section 240-247 really reminds me of what little bits of Mein Kampf I can remember reading.

 The underlying mechanism driving a witch craze is the cycling of information through a closed system. Medieval witch crazes existed because the internal and external components of a feedback loop periodically occurred together, with deadly results. Internal components include the social control of one group of people by another, more powerful group, a prevalent feeling of loss of personal control and responsibility, and the need to place blame for misfortune elsewhere; external conditions include socioeconomic stresses, cultural and political crises, religious strife, and moral upheavals (see Macfarlane 1970; Trevor-Roper 1969).  pg101

The motive, like the movement, is repeated historically from century to century as a shunt for personal responsibility—fob off your problems on the nearest enemy, the more evil the better. And who fits the bill better than Satan himself, along with his female co-conspirator, the witch? As sociologist Kai Erikson observed, "Perhaps no other form of crime in history has been a better index to social disruption and change, for outbreaks of witchcraft mania have generally taken place in societies which are experiencing a shift of religious focus—societies, we would say, confronting a relocation of boundaries"  pg 107
Michael Shermer ‘There’s a difference between narcissistic behaviour and the truth. The reasons I lied was to service my own purposes. I’ve got no reason to lie about anything else.’
He added: ‘I’d rather people hate me than nothing at all. At least it’s an emotion. I want people to love me or hate me. I don’t want people to think I’m insignificant.’