Wednesday, 21 January 2015

On Islam pt II...If they pay and pray they're ok

Having left the story at Chapter 5, wherein various forms of torture, violence, anti-semitism and absolutist dictums were espoused, -in order to better regulate the shape and form of not only this emerging  totalitarian system, but the behaviour of the band of impressionable thugs 'He' is assembling to populate it- we return to find much more of the same in Chapters 6 through 11, which is to say plagiarism from the Judeo-Christian tradition & contemporary Arab myths, rhetorical tricks, bribery with promises of water featured gardens in the hereafter, coercion through fear & less obviously through repeated appeals to the self interest, and self opinion of the potential converts for whom this 'Perfect', “unchangeable”[1] book is being 'revealed'.

The bold, oft-repeated threats of an afterlife filled with fire, punishments and pain for those unwilling to “submit to Allah”, must surely strike all but the most hopeless of adherents, as the desperate attempts of a power hungry seducer using the only means at 'His' disposal: fear, threats of violence, and eternal damnation to get what he wants.

Do they not appear as repugnant to the reader of this relatively enlightened epoch, as the threats of an eternity of Hellfire propagated by the early Christian Church?

Again and again we are told in no uncertain terms about the expected behaviour of the believers, and the fate (not pleasant) awaiting the disbelievers, or even those considered hypocritical or “timorous”[2] about joining the battle to take over Mecca, constant reminders to be thorough in our dispensing with logic, critical thought, familial bonds[3] and any plans we may have had for this world littering the text, alongside instructions for those charged with dispensing these distasteful demands from the pulpit: “Say 'I have been commanded to be the first of those who submit'; Say 'Of a truth, I fear, If I disobey my Lord the punishment of an awful day'”[4]

Well, thankfully this petty tyrant, spawned of the brain of the military General Muhammed, is no lord of mine, nor do those intercessors claiming to bestow from on high, a message on behalf of him and his “all knowing” 'God' have any purchase upon my soul, it is not fitting for a proud Scotsman to prostrate himself before such obviously vexatious hobgoblins.

But what of those who are indoctrinated from a young age, coerced into submission for being unfortunate enough to live under a brutal regime such as the practice of this regressive ideology makes manifest?

As I undertake this task to express my uncensored thoughts on the Quran in writing, as a citizen of a (relatively) free country, my heart is bleeding for those born less fortunate who's stories I am confronted with via my DAB Radio:

Raif Badani, a citizen of the brutal autocracy of Saudi Arabia sentenced to endure 1000 lashes with the whip in batches of 50 every Friday after prayers, a man who's only crime was to dare to think, to define himself as a liberal in an ultra-conservative Islamic regime, who did little more than I am now: publishing his opinions, thoughts and hopes on the internet, but whom, more than I casting these words from a safe distance[5], had the courage to contravene the barbaric regime of the Saudi Arabian Monarchy, and their religion where it counts, by merely expressing criticisms no thinking person, being acquainted with love or liberty could possibly find objectionable.

Nigeria, hundreds of miles away from Raif's place of torture and imprisonment, only a few months after the horrific kidnapping of hundreds of Schoolgirls who's only 'transgression' was to aspire to become educated, empowered citizens with equal rights to boys and independence of mind, we learn of Boko Haram's latest religiously motivated action, the appalling torture and murder of as many as 2000 men, women and children in the north-east town of Baga .

Further exasperating my depression is news provided in our print media of figures released by British Police this week, highlighting at least 2800 cases of 'honour' violence committed against Muslim women and children living in the United Kingdom, including the utterly abhorrent murder of Rania Alayed after prolonged abuse, rape and violence at the hands of her husband.

A charity called Karma Nirvana set up to help the victims of 'honour' violence, report this problem is far more widespread than currently acknowledged, being largely hidden from Police by religious  communities in the hopes of retaining tradition and custom intact, the organizations leader Jasminder Sanghera has stated that around 800 cases are reported to their offices each week, she has received death threats via Twitter for her troubles, and their offices have been the target of bomb threats which are being investigated, forcing them to move premises.

These are just three examples of the most extreme barbarity spanning the globe in the name of Islam, but let us not forget the brutal attacks planned by Al Qaeda in Yemen, against satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in France and freedom of speech in general, foiled terror plots in Belgium, the ongoing bloodletting and crucifixion of Christian minorities, abduction and enslavement of young women and children in Syria and Iraq by ISIL, what is the objective observer to think of all these fruits of Islam?

Yet still we are subjected to the self congratulatory platitudes spewed by religious apologists of all hues, who tie themselves in knots trying to separate the actions of Muslims from their religion denying the fact this is religiosity in action, specifically the enactment of Islamic principles as defined in the Quran, for which one only has to read a hundred pages of the book to find numerous congratulations and justifications.

Even the UK Prime Minister David Cameron, has suggested these are merely “exceptions” trying to “pervert the mainstream Islamic religion” and “not representative of one of the largest religions in the world”, we should perhaps question why this particularly reactionary and self congratulatory conservative, favours large numbers of people dwelling submissively in the mist enveloped regions of the religious world, likewise his eternal superior HRH Prince Charles who has yet to 'bless us' with his frequently espoused, tragicomic Islamic apologia regarding any of these events.

What do those who would seek to set themselves ahead of all as an alienated hierarchy, stand to gain from the benighted submissiveness of a populace they feel entitled to govern, surely something, otherwise why encourage it?

Although it cannot be confirmed as I write this short essay, it is likely that not a year has passed since Muhammad took off towards Medina, around 622ad[6], in which actions similar to those described above have not been conducted in the name of Allah and spreading 'His' “Religion of Peace”, granted there was a truce called around 630ad, between the rulers of Mecca and the band of Muslims roving about the periphery of the great and ancient city, allowing them passage within to conduct Taqiyah, establish the new and subvert established forms of worship, but this merely enabled the Apostle of Allah to concentrate his attentions towards the tribes of Jews and “desert Arabs” elsewhere in the Arabian peninsula, as the Quran says in 9.97: “Arabs of the desert are the worst in disbelief and hypocrisy, and most apt not to know the the ordinances of the Revelation which Allah has sent down” and 9.101: “...We will punish them twice; then shall they be given over to a great punishment”.

Yes it is clear the book so far takes place within a very specific historical context, during the founding of this imperialist, totalitarian system, but it doesn't take much to make relevant the messages utilized to enthuse a people to murder, in order to establish this religion in Muhammad’s time to a similarly stupefied people today.

I also accept there are some good innovations on the pre-existant culture he opposed, for instance 6.152 instructs us that it is wrong to kill children, though whoever needed to be told that so explicitly is unlikely to be the kind of material one would choose to build a state out of; 9.60 informs us that alms are only for the poor and needy, for the freeing of slaves and those in debt, alms being a pillar of the Totalitarian system he sought to fashion “from the offspring of other people”[7], but these improvements, these logical imperatives are few and far between in the first 10 Chapters, drowned out by the calls to War, instructions to murder, the distribution of the “spoils of war” for those who do, and expounding of punishments for those who refuse to, or merely show unsatisfactory zeal while going about it.

Moderate or “timorous” Muslims today want the best of both worlds, they want respect and admiration for their blind faith amongst the worldly and unencumbered by religion, as well as the rewards of a pleasure filled afterlife with Allah, rewards for their adherence to 'bit's and pieces' of the religion they espouse and make such a show of believing, which were they not educated in liberalism, democracy and enlightenment values they would no doubt adhere to absolutely and uncritically.

They want to live in societies more or less free from the arbitrary dictums of divine authorities,  benefiting greatly from that absence developing themselves in ways inconceivable to the authors of the Quran, while retaining the sense of superiority they must derive from a 'Holy' book that seeks to impart that very thing upon the 'true believers', the chosen of Allah, like the modern Christian, Hindu or Buddhist, the world we all inhabit can be a part time pursuit or 'sport', a mere passing the time before the main event, problems encountered there, ignored or attributed to a supernatural power, the solutions left up to a divine commander in chief, facilitating their non-participation as an addiction to strong pain-killers or narcotics may do.

They may say “we wish to retain our culture”, but there is nothing in the message of the Prophet, no order from Allah to allow his victims in Medina, Mecca and surrounding area to do the same, there is no imperative stating: “Allow the Meccan's to retain the worship of Al-Lat or Al-Uzza, for verily it be their cultural heritage”, quite the contrary infact, the reader is encouraged to put them to the sword, to punish them twice before sending them to a fiery afterlife of torment and pain, and for this they will be rewarded.

There must be a very clear explanation -hopefully one may be forthcoming in response to this preliminary investigation into the basis of Islamic religion-, as to what exactly is retained 1400 or so years later by the faithful, particularly mentioning, if anything is, why.

The absence of literature from an Islamic perspective, which is critical of the stories in the first 10 Chapters strikes me as suspicious, perhaps many Muslims feel the Apostle of Allah was right to use any means at his disposal to found this totalitarian political and ideological system, perhaps they feel by doing so Muhammad helped deliver them from ignorance as to God's word?

If that is so there is little they wouldn't have got by reading the Old Testament story in the Bible, being as the Quran is clearly based on and borrowed from it, this couldn't be any clearer than in Chapter 7, which throughout is merely reproductions of parts of the Judeo Christian tradition wherein terrible punishments are illustrated in story form, such as to Pharoah and his people; drowned “for they were all wrongdoers”, the story of Lot in Sodom and Gomorrah, the story of Noah, of Adam and Eve and similarly so -in line with the principles of conditioning through repetition- in Chapter 10 “Yunus”.

In all examples there are interesting differences, whereas Jesus states it is easier for a Camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to attain the heavenly realms, Islam being firmly rooted in a mercantile culture and tradition[8] put's it in chapter 7.41:“Those who reject Our Signs and turn away from the with disdain, the gates of the spiritual firmament will not be opened for them, nor will they enter Heaven until a camel goes through the eye of a needle.”; whereas the story of creation in Genesis closes with Yahweh taking a rest, having worked for six days creating the heavens, earth and all within them, Chapter 10.4 has Allah assuming a more 'active' role, having “Settled Himself on the Throne; He governs everything. There is no intercessor with Him save after His permission.”, perhaps highlighting a divergence between the culture of the Hebrew Israelite scribes and that which the 'new' Prophet of Allah sought to inspire.

While the Hebrew has a long tradition of debating the Laws handed down by Moses in the Talmud, no such tradition has been forthcoming from the Islamic religious culture, infact the idea that there could be is refuted numerous times within the Quran, with sayings such as: “this is a book whose verses have been made unchangeable”[10], compliance with this idea being evident in many modern countries, by their adherence to 5.38's imperative to chop off the hand of the thief, this being in Islamic thought “an exemplary punishment from Allah”, whereas the Hebrew scriptures state: “Men do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy his hunger when he is starving. Yet if he is caught, he must pay sevenfold”[11], the former of course may as well be a death sentence, removing the man's ability to work, steal or even, perchance receiving charity; literally feed himself in the future.

Also pre-existing the religion of Muhammad in the Judeo-Christian traditions we have various warnings against revenge, specifically against the concept of “an Eye for and Eye”[12], it seems God had not mellowed in the 600 or so years since he gave 'His Son' as blood sacrifice for the world's sins, indeed if the Quran is truly 'His' word revealed, 'He' had infact regressed somewhat from the time of the book of Matthew,  one imagines turning inwards in bitterness over the death of “his only begotten son”, drinking heavily and growing vengeful.

As though to illustrate the mode in which the author of the Quran has plagiarized these earlier literary contributions, Chapter 12 is simply a less detailed account of the story of Joseph as found in the book of Genesis, after recounting the story in greatly diminished form; excluding the names of the brothers with any overt description of the establishment of Israel in the lands of Egypt, depriving the story of it's actual point, it is merely used as yet another parable affirming the power of Muhammad's god, yet more threats and orders against 'idolatry' or making equals with Allah.

The author leaves a subtle and very poetic clue as to this methodology in the next chapter Al-Ra'd 13.18: “He sends down water from the sky, so that valleys flow according to their measure, and the flood bears on it's surface swelling foam. And from that which they heat in the fire, seeking to make ornaments or utensils, comes out a foam similar to it. Thus does Allah illustrate truth and falsehood. Now, as to the foam, it goes away as rubbish, but as to that which benefits men, it stays on the earth. Thus does Allah set forth parables.


[1] In order to take Mecca from his Wife and Uncle's tribe the Quraysh
[2] 9.56
[3] 9.23
[4] 6.15-16 redacted
[5] Maybe it is, or maybe the recent events throughout Western Europe show nowhere is safe any longer from the ideological delusions of religious zealots.
[6] The Hijra after having been ostracised by the established Meccan aristocracy, his tribe the Quraysh for rejecting their traditional, Pagan cultural values.
[7] 6.134
[8] Muhammad's first wife was a wealthy Merchant, and this was the primary means of making a living for Muhammad until “the spoils of war” began to flow into the coffers of Allah's apostle, as 8.2 makes clear, infact it was during a 'business trip' around age 25 that Muhammad and the slave travelling with him, were convinced by a Monk of the Christian religion that indeed he was a Prophet long foretold in the ancient tomes, that the Christian hermits learned in Aramaic and Syriac scripture had been hoarding and studying for centuries.
[9] An ironic term to use as the chapter it appears (11) is a complete reproduction of the Old Testament, and various pre-existant Arabian myths with minor alterations, those with eyes can't help but see the hypocrisy.
[10] 11.2
[11]  Proverbs 6 verse 30-31
[12] Matthew 5 verse 38-48, it's quite apparent that the following Chapter is practically taken verbatim by the author of the Quran, covering subjects such as Alms giving, Prayer, Fasting and the proper ways of conducting oneself in these matters.

Sunday, 11 January 2015

On Islam...

According to the records of Islamic civilization, the Prophet Muhammed or “Messenger of Allah”, when not waging 'Jihad' against the Jews, the Meccan Aristocracy, Christians and competing Arab Tribes, found the time to produce the doctrines eventually forming the 'Holy' book known as the Quran.
A brief perusal of this ancient tome, shows a very large proportion of these 'teachings' are complete and utter tripe, however, besides the grossly simplistic, prejudicial and ill informed statements littering this unflinching affirmation of submission before 'divine' authority ~which, in the ancient world was; and sadly, in many parts of the modern world atrophied by the practice of this religious ideology, still is mistaken for 'the ripest fruit from the utmost boughs of the tree of knowledge'~ there are a lesser but still significant number of not only inspiring, but also informative and dare one say it; logical instructions on subjects ranging from personal hygiene, marital relations and financial advice, to economic efficiency and statecraft, buried though they are amongst the incessant, idle threats, racism, absurd moral imperatives, countless examples of sexism and impossible promises of endless, 'water feature' laden gardens to be bestowed upon the faithful.

Something worth remembering about the Quran, and which we should perhaps be grateful about for the wonderful architectural legacy it has left us throughout Persia, Arabia and even as far West as the Black Sea and eastern border of Russia, is: that it was unreadable to a large majority of the population for whom it was intended, therefore had to be recited orally, by the minority of the population who were actually able to read it.

Once elevated to eminence, receiving their rewards accordingly, this 'party faithful' beneath their alienated Caliph and his God, set about constructing one of the most successful expansionist cultures the world has ever seen, but they needed incubation chambers in which to cultivate this thought virus, and so, as with Christian Europe circa 1200ad, construction of architecture dedicated to the transmission of religious ideology to the masses; the indoctrination of ritualized submissiveness before alienated forms of power, flourished.

We should consider this dichotomy in their ability to comprehend the work, between the 'intellectual' elite, who by rejecting their Pagan deities, gained opulent new Mosque's and the large communities of ignorant, zealous adherents[0.05] devoutly worshipping within them.

Thus, by their conformity with the Prophet's designs, the emerging hieratic elite also gained an esteemed place in the emerging society compared to the large multitudes beneath them, whom, observing recitations of the book in these awe-inspiring buildings constructed in Allah's name, were moved by the conviction with which the words were transmitted, to adopt and embody the 'divine will' these recitations transmitted.

To this day the Quran and five times daily prayer readings evoke fervent exultation, fear and trembling, but also comfort, a sense of community, confidence and resignation, not to mention their ability to imbue the harsh, insignificant lives of a populace with a considerable sense of purpose, meaning and hope.

This elite thus able to convey the message of the book in safety with absolute conviction, to multitudes whom, lacking geopolitical aspirations of their own or alternative means of acquiring this message for themselves, adopted a sense of certainty in words espoused by priestly castes.

Becoming convinced of their holding a share in the 'glories to come', early followers would find the emerging force redefining and constructing the world around them, irresistable.

As Numa, successor to Romulus in ruling the fledgling Roman State recognized, not only religion but the Fear of God particularly, is an instrument above all others essential for the maintenance of a coherent State, and irreplaceable tool in the domination of it's population. [0.1]

One can't help but notice in reading the Quran's first five chapters, that it is clearly designed to appeal to the sense of justice, pride and community spirit of it's audience, but also to their fears, desires and rational self interest, it seeks to bolster the believer while driving the potential critic, “in whose hearts is perversity”[0.2] cowering to the door of their local mosque to seek salvation.

At points it is clear that what one is reading is a foundational document, not only of one of the World's main religions, but of a cultural identity fashioned by the power of the written word interpreted and spoken of as not only law, but the law of an incomprehensible, imaginary omnipotent being.

The book's first five chapters are filled with rules and regulations, punishments and rewards, definitions of good and of evil, of righteousness and unrighteousness, it's the testament of the creation of a new Man, Islamic man, the ultimate in servile submissive schizophrenia, willing to destroy himself and others in order to display his adherence to the divine dictats derived from the Quran by his appointed Imams, Caliphs and above all God for whom Muhammed considered himself the mouthpiece; “Alif Lam Mim”[0.5].

A new Prophet, revealing a new religion, revealed by a reconstituted God in the process of fashioning a new man, one who must entirely submit before new laws for new reasons not altogether reasonable, nor -we should recognize- completely distinct, from the imperatives inherent to Christianity and their mother culture Judaism.

Acknowledging this, it should follow that the reader can hardly be surprised to see, in order to distinguish itself, that a large proportion of this first section of the book, is literally filled with accusations and aspersions cast frequently towards these aforementioned rivals, in order to affirm not only it's own supremacy, but the transgressions and inferiority of Jews and Christians aswell as other potential rivals or critics.

The author clearly seeks to retain the basis of Jewish and Christian culture with one hand, while thumbing their nose and pointing an accusatory finger to Jews and Christians with the other,[1] allow me to provide a case in point in which the author, seems to pre-empt the suspicion of anyone who's critical faculties are developed beyond those of the average desert nomad circa 700ad:

Verily, We gave Moses the Book and caused after him Messengers to follow in his footsteps; and to Jesus, son of Mary We gave manifest Signs, and strengthened him with the Spirit of holiness. Will you then, every time a Messenger comes to you with what you yourselves desire not, behave arrogantly and treat some as liars and slay others?” Al-Baqarah 2.88

The way the author attempts to conflate prudence with arrogance in attempts to affirm his own message, while dismissing not only potential criticism but the general right to be critical in the most absolute terms, must strike all but the most blinded adherents as suspect; undoubtedly some of these “messengers”, such as Jesus or Muhammed, were lying, or at least elaborating some aspects of “the message” favourable to their cause while excluding what wasn't.

And when there came to them a Book from Allah, fulfilling that which is with them- and before that they had prayed for victory over the disbelievers- yet when there came to them that which they knew, they rejected it. The curse of Allah be on the disbelievers.

Evil is that for which they have sold their souls; that they should disbelieve in what Allah has revealed , grudging that Allah should send down His grace on whomsoever of His servants He pleases. So they incurred wrath upon wrath; and there is a humiliating chastisement for the disbelievers.

And when it is said to them: 'Believe in what Allah has sent down,' they say: 'We believe in what has been sent down to us;' and they disbelieve in what has been sent down after that, [and rightly so!] yet it is the Truth,[when you put it like that, 'how can I possibly disagree'?] fulfilling that which is with them. Say: 'Why, then, did you attempt to slay the Prophets of Allah before this, if you were believers?'” Al-Baqarah 2.90-92

The bulk of the first five chapters is composed predominantly of rules and regulations, designed to enforce not only a racist but a sexist sense of superiority in the Mohammedan faithful, the rest more or less resembles the kind of faire on display above, threats, curses, and corruptions of the Torah, in crude attempts to exploit it's perceived power over people.

In no large part does the content pertain to 'spiritual' matters, but rather to matters which would ensure the success, longevity, separateness and health of a temporal community, which in order to recognize itself as such, is given various reworkings of a cultural heritage common to that part of the world, namely the stories of Moses, Abraham, Mary, Jesus and others any reader of the Bible would recognize, all of which are represented throughout the first five chapters in altered form.

There is not an ounce of wisdom contained in these chapters comparable to any random selection from the Tao Te Ching, the collected sayings of the Buddha, various productions of the Republic of Rome or the Hebrew book of Proverbs, let alone those insights for which we are all[3] indebted to Western, Enlightenment Philosophy.

What few 'spiritual' 'teachings' in the first 5 chapters of this 'Holy' book, pertain largely to otherworldly rewards bestowed on the well behaved, punishments for “transgressors”, particularly the “worldly” (those focused on the only guaranteed life rather than a purely conceptual sequel); and gross, 'ipso-facto' interpretations of natural phenomena as “Signs from God”, however, to the reader sheltered from threats of punitive violence, or free from the coercion of their parents and immediate community to uncritically accept the religion, this book allegedly launched upon the desert nomads by Allah Himself; particularly the 'teachings' contained in the first five chapters, appear as nothing more than the utterly mundane threats of a power hungry despot.

[0.05] how frequently these two appear, as though they are the sibling children of autocracy, marching hand in hand throughout human history, trampling all criticism, intelligence and insight beneath their black booted feet.

[0.1] this can be said of the ancient world at least, where people were less contemplative, literate, informed and being more ferocious; were more prone to violent methods of securing their ends.

[0.2] Al-Imran 3.8

[0.5] I am Allah, the All-Knowing

[1] if he did merely transcribe the book it's plausible that Muhammed, (likely being barely literate himself, let alone analytical) was unaware of this duplicity, if on the other hand he connived to forge an army or tribe by emulating Moses; producing a foundational document of 'divine' rules and regulations, then this duplicity was fundamental to the success of his new religious venture.

[2] which is to say those unwilling to give their life for Muhammed's cause (insert 4.75)

[3] even such as ISIL or Al-Qaeda, whom, while chastising the “decadence” and “corruption” of Western civilization, are more than happy to utilize the technological fruits of the very same culture.